Nails for String Art
Thread pictures, also known as String Art pictures, consist mainly of nails and yarn. If you go to the nail department, the choice is huge and you may not know exactly what to choose. Find out here which nails to use for certain situations.
Wire nails, comb nails, steel nails, countersunk head nails
There are several types of nails, I have tested a few for my String Art so far. So I am passing on my experience here, which means that you will get on better with one type than I do.
Wire pins
The best-known type of nail.
These include the typical nails such as steel nails, countersunk head nails, upsetting head nails or shield nails.
Countersunk head nails are best suited for beginners as the head provides a good grip for the yarn and therefore slips over the nail less frequently.
For very detailed nail pictures, you should use upsetting head nails, which make it possible to place the nails very close together on the wood.
Comb nails
Combed nails, anchor nails, grooved nails or ring nails were developed for the connection between wood and sheet steel and are intended for load-bearing connections in timber construction.
They are very robust and these nails usually have grooves.
For me personally, this makes it less fun to work with them, especially if you want to vary the height of the yarn on the nails later.
Advantage: Comb nails are available in various colors, unlike wire nails.
The right nails for String Art
Ultimately, you have to try out for yourself what works best for you.
It’s best to decide on the right nails based on your idea/template.
If you are unsure about my assessment, please ask me if I can help you.
My first nails were simple countersunk nails in Ø x L: 1.6 x 30 mm. This is a good basis to start with nail pictures.
After a few months, I switched to thinner nails without heads in order to take more detailed pictures.
My recommendation on nails
All my String Art are made with the nails that you can also buy in my store.
Here I link you to my most frequently used nails, which can be used for a wide variety of String Art motifs.
If you are interested in String Art templates, they always show which nails I personally recommend and the quantities required.
For larger pictures or beginners, it is best to use these nails:
Use these nails for small detailed String Art:
These nails suggestions are wonderful for nail pictures because you don’t need too much force to hammer them about halfway into the wood.
I have been using them for over 2 years now and am happy to be able to offer my favorites myself in the store along with all the other materials you need for your nail picture.
If you are still missing yarn, wood or accessories such as scissors or glue, you can order everything directly to your home in one place.
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